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The Cleansing Page 3
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Page 3
I kept walking. The last time the Captain took it easy on me. If there’s a second and third it’ll be an IA investigation. No cop wants that within their jacket.
“Come on detective. I’m just out here trying to do a job just like you. It’s important for the community to know what’s going on around them.”
“If you don’t stop bothering me, I’m going to arrest you for hindering an investigation.”
“How am I doing that? We’re just two guys walking and talking.”
“No, you’re talking and walking. I’m just walking. Now, get away from me before you have to look for your teeth.”
“Okay, please just one moment of your time. Please detective. I won’t bother you again.”
“I doubt that. What! Make it quick before I decide that punching you will get rid of you quicker.”
“Okay, okay, so sensitive.”
I looked at him unamused.
“Detective, would you like to comment on why you’re visiting the Wisconsin coroner’s office today?”
“Is it because you feel the murders are linked?”
“No comment.”
“Do you think there’s a serial killer going from Gochian to Wisconsin to Indiana?”
“No comment Dan. Now go away.”
“Will you give me a quote if these are linked?”
“I’ll think about it. Now bye.”
“That’s all I ask. I’ll be in touch.”
“Don’t rush.”
I entered the Coroner’s office and was escorted to the back. Where the bodies were kept.
“Hi detective Alvarez. I’m doctor Casen. Nice to meet you.”
“Same here.”
“I suppose you’re ready for this.”
“I am.”
“I assume you’re here to see if it’s the same person.”
“I am, yes.”
“Okay, here goes.”
He pulls the drawer out and removes the sheet. I didn’t need to see the entire body, I was already convinced. So, I wouldn’t make any mistakes, I allowed him to give me an overview of what he had.
“No hands or head. I don’t know about your bodies, but these are missing body hair. They’re drug users. All of our bodies tested positive for illegal substances. Ours are hookers, two tested positive for STD’s. They had a rough life. They’ve participate in anal sex as well, but this could’ve been voluntarily. We had two with semen in their stomachs. We’re running a DNA sample now. You know in order to compare the sample we’ll need a suspect.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that. It still makes you happy inside at the possibility.”
“I know, the same here.”
“Your bodies are like ours, except for the semen. We didn’t get that lucky.”
“I was hoping you said they weren’t. The same killer means they’re moving about the Midwest committing murder.”
“I know it, but I was expecting them to be the same. I hoped not, but I knew that was futile.”
“Sorry, if I can be of more help, let me know. We’ll send you a profile of the DNA once we’re done.”
“Great, thanks. Another question, do you know where the police found them?”
“Uh, yeah, let me get my notes. Near a real raunchy area called the Pit. It’s hell down there. Druggies, prostitutes, pimps anything you’d run from exists there.”
“All of them were found there?”
“Uh, yea, except one. The last one was found an hour outside of Milwaukee.”
“You think you could send me a copy of this as well?”
“Sure can. I’ll get it over this afternoon. You should have it in a couple of days.”
“Good job, thanks.”
“No problem. I hope you catch him.”
“I will.”
I received the coroner’s report today. I didn’t have to read it all that thoroughly, my sinking feeling was confirmed while I was there. I guess when the worst is a possibility, you always hold out a little hope that it’s not true. That’s where I stand, I hoped I was wrong and that there would be something within that report to confirm that, but it wasn’t to be. The coroner’s report read just like ours. It’s the same people, there’s no doubt.
“Hey kid, how did Wisconsin go?”
“As I expected, but not good.”
“What? No way.”
“The same people or person?”
“It is.”
“Are you sure? What did the repot say?”
“Jack, the report is identical to ours, down the missing body hair. The bodies look identical to ours. The only difference is they got lucky. Two of their bodies had semen inside their stomachs.”
“DNA profile?”
“They’re conducting that now. They’ll send those when they’re complete.”
“Now, we just need some suspects to compare it to.”
“Same thing the coroner said.”
“I know this is a bum deal, kid, but we’ll get ‘em. We’ve run up against some crazies before.”
“Yeah, but this is different. They’re taking such effort to make sure they can’t be identified. No fibers on the bodies. They threw them in areas that’s full of every germ imaginable. They were left for extended periods of time. All this was done deliberate. Like they keep the bodies to dump them on the hottest days in Gochian.”
“It looks grim, but we’ll get them. They’ll slip up, they always do.”
“Yeah. I wonder how many bodies we’ll have to find before the do. I wonder how many clubs are in Gochian like Club Hedonist. How many Russian owned?”
“I don’t know. Can’t be that many. We can run a search. You thinking they have something to do with the bodies?”
“I know they recognized one of our girls if not all of them. I’d like to know how many of those clubs are here, Wisconsin, Indiana.”
“We can easily find the gentlemen’s clubs, but how is that gonna help?”
“New clubs, ones that just opened. Not just a list of clubs, but new ones. I’d like to visit those and find out if we see the same fat ass owner come wobbling through the doors.”
“Now, that would be something. We could have a field day with that one. Get a warrant, take some DNA.”
“Run up in there one day unannounced, nothing they could do.”
“I’m game if you are.”
“I am. Let’s work on that and I’ll work on getting that warrant.”
“Hot damn! I love sticking it to those Russian pricks. They think they’re so superior criminally. Everyone is dumb except them.”
“Yeah, I got that feeling too. Like we’re just some dumb cops. I’ll show them just how dumb we are.”
“Can’t wait partner. Can’t wait.”
Jack and I spent the rest of our day putting together the list of those clubs. We searched within the largest cities within those states. For our search that would include Milwaukee, Gochian and Indianapolis. I wanted to keep the search grid within the urban areas in those cities and this strategy paid off. We located four clubs in Gochian, three in Wisconsin and four in Indianapolis. They were all recently opened with the last two years. It was a coincidence, but illegal. It does give me a place to start.
When I arrived home, it was the usual activity; kids running around, a few toys here and there and the wife in the kitchen preparing dinner. I love my family, but sometimes after walking around in the sewers of life and dealing with the noise of city in the form of other people’s problems, I’d like to come home to silence. A happily married man missing those days he had a bachelor pad. If for nothing more than opening that door and hearing nothing.
After dinner and playtime with the kids, I turned in. I was
fatigued, mentally and physically. I hoped the people leaving me demented presents all over this city in the form of headless bodies were needing the rest too.
One O’clock in the morning
Jack calling...
“Hey kid, hate to be a wet dream killer.”
“Another one?”
“Looks like it.”
“I’ve already sent you the address. I’ll meet you there.”
I guess serial killers don’t require sleep. I’m starting to see why they start off ahead and we have to catch up.
Pulling up the crime scene, I always have the same thoughts. I thank God that my family is safe and ask that no one I know is under that sheet.
I finished parking and got out to meet Jack and the rest of the supporting cast in the form of uniformed officers, witnesses and just plain old nosey people.
People think that when you die it’s peaceful. You’re going towards that bright light into the arms of Jesus. What no one tells you is that death is demeaning and embarrassing. When you die, you defecate and urinate all over yourself. You’re lying there in your own excrement and when you’re murdered, everyone gets to see you that way. Two-dozen cops, the EMT’s on the scene, the coroner, everyone is viewing the most disgusting moment of your life. I just wish God could zap me up to Heaven and that’s it. I can bypass all that pissing and shitting and walk right into those pearly gates.
“Alvarez, over here.”
“They left us or maybe I should say you, a little note.”
I took the note and read it: “Thank you for the tip.”
“It doesn’t say it’s addressed to me.” But, I knew that it was. It’s obvious. They were watching the press conference.
“I’d say this is the response to your press conference, wouldn’t you?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Hey, detectives.”
“What we got here?”
“A body burned beyond recognition. I can’t tell you if this is a male of female body. This body is falling apart. I can take it back to my office, but there’s little I can do with it. I’ll guarantee you that if I touched this body it would start crumbling.”
I was feeling ill inside. I wonder if the press conference caused another woman to be murdered.
“Is there anything you think you could do?”
“Nothing. Look, here.”
He took out a pen and gently tapped the body and pieces of ash started to fall onto the ground. I’m sorry detectives, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to help you with this one.”
“No problem, Doc. It’s not your fault, right kid?”
“Right. I can clearly see there’s nothing you can do here.”
“Removing the hands and head was enough of a hinderance with an identification. They wanted to make certain we weren’t just hindered, we were impeded.”
“I’m taking it that this is a middle finger to you.”
“Looks like it.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over this. You couldn’t know.”
“Easier said.”
When you’re career is death, you’re always in demand. You’ll spend more time with dead bodies then you ever will with your family. You’d think the living is more demanding of your time. If you believe that, you’re not a homicide detective. Shadow one for a week and you’ll change your mind. The dead are much more demanding of your time than the living ever could or ever will be.
My phone jolted me out of a semi-conscious state this morning. I wasn’t a complete interruption. My mind has been occupied since taking this case. I rolled over and I answered the phone with my normal ire and as usual it goes right over the dispatcher’s head, she just keeps right on talking and ignoring my disdain at having my sleep interrupted.
“Alvarez, what is it?”
“Hi detective Alvarez, this is Dispatch 30298, we have a call for you regarding your Jane Does.”
“Do they sound creditable?”
“Said they saw one of them.”
“Put ‘em through.”
“Coming through, now.”
“Hello, this is detective Alvarez.”
“Hello detective?”
“Yes, you have some information regarding my case?”
“Yes, I do.”
I sat up in bed and grabbed my notebook. “Which one?”
“The one wit tha butterfly tattoo, it should have initials inside it, two N’s and an S and N. She said she got it when she was in Amsterdam. Said, her name was Sloane Navarro.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Did you check the tattoo?”
“Uh, nah, I don’t think so.”
“Check the tattoo, detective.”
“Wait, hello? Hello?”
Damn, she hung up! I should be used to that by now. People give information regarding a case and act like they’re committing a crime. Some of them probably have.
I wrote down what she said and tried to go back to sleep, but I knew that was a lost cause before I attempted it. Once that phone rings and the information on the other end enters my brain, I’ll never get back to sleep. I’m going over ways to fit what she said into the puzzle outline that I currently have. Now I’m lying here looking up at the ceiling waiting for the sun to come up or the phone to ring.
I’ve never understood why it takes so long for morning to come when you’re waiting for it. If you’re trying to sleep before you can put your head down on the pillow the sun is peeking through your blinds. Have insomnia and you’ll have to fight yourself from putting a call into Heaven to find out what’s taking God so long to put the sun up in the sky.
After that call last night I couldn’t’ go back to sleep. I tried to but was unsuccessful. I eventually got up and started going over my case. With all of the twists and turns this case has the potential to bring, I knew it would keep my mind occupied. It did for a while, then my mind started to drift back to the clock. In short, I’ve had a horrible night. I couldn’t wait for morning to come, now all I want to do is go back to bed.
When I drug myself into the station this morning, my first stop was to the telecom room. I wanted to know where that call originated from.
Telecom Room
“Hey Chauncey, my man. How’s your day going?”
“Good. What ya want?”
“Dang, just jump right to it, huh?”
“Only way to do it.”
“I need some help with something. Dispatch put a call through to my phone last night, well about 2:30 this morning. I wondered if you might help locate where that call originated.”
“Sure thing. I’ll let you know what I get back.”
“Thanks, Chauncey.”
Back at my desk...
“How’d your night go last night?”
“I thought a young buck like you would have some good nights all the time.”
“Jack, exactly what’s your definition of good?”
“A little slap and tickle with the wife. At least I know my night was fabulous.”
“UGH! I’ve told you to warn me before you ruin my entire day of meals. Now, I’m going to need sick time.”
Jack laughed. “Kid, you’re too easy. I don’t know how I’m going to get my daily entertainment when I retire.”
I smiled “Yeah whatever.”
I had just enough time to look up from my mountain of casework to see Chauncey approaching my desk.
“My man Chauncey!”
“I’m everybody’s man when they want something. Here’s the information you asked about.”
“Damn Chauncey. You going through a divo
rce or something?”
“Not married.”
“You and your girlfriend break-up?”
“Alvarez, what’s with all the personal questions?”
“You don’t know?”
“Didn’t I just ask?”
“Well maybe it’s your warm and fuzzy disposition.”
“Humph. Whatever Here, take your information.”
“You found them?”
“Didn’t I just say that earlier?”
“Chauncey, man, I’m surprised you’re single. I know the women just love your personality.”
“Don’t need anything else, ok, Alvarez? I know where they were calling from. It’s up to you to find the person making the call.”
“True, and I think I can do that.”
“The number is registered to White Hen Pantry. Now, if there weren’t a million of them on every corner in Gochian your job would be easy. Lucky for you, I went the extra mile and got you the exact address.”
“You’re the best, Chauncey. It would be even better if they have cameras.”
“Your lucky day. They do, inside and out.”
“Good job! Have you seen Jack?”
“Yeah, he was in evidence, just passed him.
“I owe you one.”
“You owe me three at least.”
“Okay, three, thanks man!”
“Um hmm.”
I rushed down to the evidence room to get Jack. I couldn’t wait to sit down and speak with my witness in person.
“Whoa. Slow down kid. What’s the rush? I know it must be something great with you showing all of the dental work your mama paid for and all.”
“Chauncey got the address of the person who called me the other night
“Good news for us. You ready to roll?”
“By the way, I wore those braces for three years so I’m going to show you my teeth often. I’m damn proud of them.”
“HA! I can tell. Where we going?”
“Chauncey traced the number to a White Hen Pantry on West Fulton.”
“I know where that it is.”
“This is great news, the first real break on this case.”
“Heh. You kids, always full of enthusiasm. Wait until you get my age, you’ll stop seeing it half full. It’ll just be another half empty ass glass.”